While I'm not sure who I'm going to interview just yet, the questions are going to be about the same.
1.) How long have you been working in the comics industry?
2.) What do you do, exactly, in the comics industry? (Are you an artist, writer, self-publisher, etc.?)
3.) Do you think that comic books are important to society? Why or why not?
4.) How did you get into the comics industry?
5.) Why are you in the comics industry?
6.) Did you have any formal education specific to working with comic books? If so, what?
7.) What do you feel is the most important thing that comic books portray? (This could go hand-in-hand with 3)
8.) Was it difficult to become a part of the comics industry? How can you recommend other people to get into this industry?
The intent of your questions is fine, but they should not invite yes/no/one word answers. Please rephrase them in order to deal with that problem. Email me when this is done with the specific link to the revision. Thanks : )
Oh...how is the service learning search going? We haven't talked about it lately.
My questions should be changed... Can you check the wording in the last one? It seems wrong to me, but I don't really know how to change it?
... Ugh. It's not going well. I haven't been able to contact anyone lately due to other issues (academic, familial, CRAPPY) that have sucked up all my time. I wanted to devote this week to finding someone to work with, but that's going to be hard, too. I'm working my hardest on it, though...