1.) Over the past month, I've been giving presentations to Freshmen about comic books. They have a large component called the 'Math Comic Book' (formerly the Math Story Book) that I have helped explain the concept and how to make one. I have learned how to be a better presenter and I've also been learning how to create a comic along with them.

2.) While I don't have evidence of me becoming a better presenter just yet, I do have evidence of what I've been learning. This week is a lesson on how to write a comic book. I've written up loose notes (in the form of an "essay" type document) that I'm going to use for my presentation. Link Here.

3.) My latest Research Check helped very much with this information (sources: __, __ to be added later) My Dad also helped in describing the details that my research didn't touch on. They both gave me the information that allowed me to create my evidence and (hopefully) conduct a good lesson on how to write a comic book.

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