What is your EQ?
- "What is the most important element in a successful, modern age comic book series?"
Define the words in your EQ to make sure we are on the same page regarding what your EQ means.
- Element: A storytelling technique or plot point.
- Successful: A book that can be read by any generation, any gender, and stays with them as something they cherish for life (specific for this instance.)
- Modern Age Comic Book Series: A comic book series that was published and set in the past twenty years.
What are some possible answers to your EQ so far?
- Some of the possible answers for my EQ so far would be adaptation, emotional realism, diversity, memorable characters, visual impact, emotional impact (can be combined with visual), Cultural relevance.
What has been your most important source and why?
- My most important source has been Sean Jackson, my first interview. He is a comic book store manager, so he knows what is successful (business wise) and what isn't. He noticed that a lot more comics starring emotional realism (and impact) were being taken. Things like Batman, where he's faced with family issues as well as the superhero problems that he deals with on a basic level. He also pointed out that to keep a comic book interesting, you have to have a character that resonates with people. It can be a character they might have seen before, but if you put that character into an interesting event or tell the character's point of view in an interesting way, it's easy to capture people's attention and keep them hooked, which creates success.
The problem with my definition of success is that is has no measurable amount, so it's mostly subjective. Does this pose a problem later on, or would it be okay to have this part of my EQ subjective and opinionated rather than based on hard facts and numbers? I could relate it to the sales of comic books and get a measurement out of that, but... still. It's mostly subjective.
The only thing you will need scientific measurement for is your science project. Otherwise, consider evidence the way you would in literature. The reader uses evidence to back up a subjective analysis.