· Log: I don't have it just yet, but I worked every Tuesday and Thursday from 3-6 or 7 from around Feb. 10th-March 29th.
· Dwain Kaiser (909) 472 - 2991
- The most important thing I gained from this experience is really, work experience. Even if I wasn't being paid, I understand how much work an employee would have to do and while some of the tasks are grueling, there are some which are rewarding as well.
- While it didn't really help my EQ mostly, there was something that I took away from it: What people like, what they enjoy in books or comics or whatever, isn't necessarily pre-determined. There were many people who came into the store that didn't look like book readers, or they went for a section I never anticipated. It was a motivator out of anything, to understand really what people were looking for in books and comics these days, which led to my first answer: Understanding the Modern Age.

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