1. Hypothesis: If an average human was blindfolded and a sound was made (such as a bell), then even 'blind', they could identify where that sound was within ten feet.

2. The dependent would be the number of times they can identify a sound, the independent would be the distance away from the test subject, and the control would bee the actual sound.

3. One of the most important aspects of a successful comic book series today is whether it is realistic (or at least, believable) for these superheroes to do what they do. Daredevil, a popular Marvel character, is completely blind. However, he can "see" the world around him with his senses. I am making an experiment to determine if this is at least some-what realistic in the most efficient way possible: using human senses to locate a sound while a person is blindfolded. Thus, this experiment connects to my EQ by proving if this idea of Daredevil's power is realistic or not.

4. The way I will perform this experiment is as follows: I will have a group of about eight people at a time. One of those eight will be in the middle of the "circle" and be blindfolded, with the rest of the seven (and me) standing around that person, being "the circle". I point to different people in the circle and they make a sound, most likely a clap. I will record at which times the person in the middle gets confused or wrongly identifies where that sound is coming from, as well as the times that they identify where the sound is. The only "equipment" I will need are people and a blindfold.

5. Behavioral/Social Science (although I'm not sure)

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