1. If an average human were to emit sounds, could he or she interpret the echos of that sound to determine shapes or bodies within twelve feet.

2. The dependent variable is the number of times they collide with an object in the "maze". The independent would be the sigh of the person. The control variable would be the "maze".

3. One of the most important aspects of a successful comic book series today is whether it is realistic (or at least, believable) for these superheroes to do what they do. Daredevil, a popular Marvel character, is completely blind. However, he can "see" the world around him with his senses. I am making an experiment to determine if this is at least some-what realistic in the most efficient way possible: using human echolocation while a person is blindfolded. Thus, this experiment connects to my EQ by proving if this idea of Daredevil's power is realistic or not.

4. In this experiment, I'm going to create a room that is set up like a "maze". The objects that will set up this maze will vary (chairs, desks, couches, etc.). It will be the same for each person to have an accurate success or failure rate. I will be using twenty to twenty-five participants and recording each time they run into an object in the "maze". I will then ask them two questions after they complete the "maze". These questions will be: 
- If you received any feed back, was it through touch, sound or feeling?
- How much were you sure that you were about to run into an object with this feedback? (1 - not sure at all, 5 - completely confident and they knew where to go next).

5. Animal Biology &  Physiology (would this include humans?) 

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