- Students will learn the difference between graphic novels and comic books and the flexibility between them.

1. Engage the audience, ask what they think is a graphic novel and comic book. Ask if they think there's any difference between the two or if they think it's the same. If they think it's different, how. If they think it's the same, why.
2. Define what a graphic novel is first, holding up Watchmen and Maus. Describing the emotional bearing that graphic novels have, which leads to:
3. Define what a comic book is, holding up Justice League, Green Arrow, and Stormwatch (or any others I have with me).
4. Show the flexibility between both. Show Under the Red Hood and perhaps another arc of a comic book put into paperback.

Check for Understanding:
Show each in succession and have them call out which medium each book I hold up is.

Resources / Materials:
I will bring graphic novels, comics and the bound arcs myself. Other than that, I simply need something to prop them up on.

One Response so far.

  1. Lorelei says:

    Very nice idea. Good visuals. Very informative.

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